Orange integrates Augtera Network AI platform to its NOC tools to leverage AI/ML in daily network operations. This will reduce Network Operation Centers alarms by 70% and prevent failures.

Strike!! May Sales Kick Off (SKO) Meeting

Knock wood, it feels like the world is getting back to “normal”. In-person conferences, face-to-face customer meetings, and even getting the team together for a Sales Kick Off (SKO). Many companies have an annual SKO. Life at a startup is different. The team must get together more often, to discuss the big issues, set focus, and fuel growth. Last week, Augtera held its May SKO.

It was a typical SKO affair. Regional reports. Marketing directions. Lead generation, Product roadmaps, Solutions etc. All-day meetings that are necessary and stimulating, but also deserving of a reward for ploughing through and doing the hard work.

One of the entertainment events was bowling in Cupertino. Locals can guess the location. Getting a mix of nerds and sales/marketing people on to a bowling alley is a recipe for laughs, good times, and bonding. It goes without saying, the ultra-competitive sales folk beat everyone else. For sales, winning is not everything, it is the only thing!! Winning is a habit, a good one.

Augtera Networks is growing. Every SKO brings new people together for the first time. It is an opportunity to put a name to a face, create relationships that facilitate collaboration, share successes, and brainstorm the way through challenges. A fun time was had by all!

Girard Kavelines: Network AI enables proactive engineers

Networking Field Day 28 delegate Girard Kavelines reviews the Augtera Network AI presentation and demo.

“….with this platform it provides us ways to not only correlate data and patterns at scale, but also create detailed solutions based on that data for engineers to be proactive and remain in the front of major infrastructure issues”.

Read the full review at:

Related Links:

Augtera Networks Solutions

Dan Kelcher: “Completeness” of Augtera platform

Networking Field Day 28 delegate, Dan Kelcher, reviews the Augtera Networks platform commenting “One of the big things that I thought Augtera did to differentiate themselves from other platforms was the completeness of what they showed”. Read the review at:

Jeremy Schulman: “Best AI/ML” for NFD28

Jeremy Schulman, Networking Field Day 28 delegate gives out his besties awards, including Best AI/ML to Augtera Networks.

‘Best AI/ML – Augtera Networks. Many vendors talk AI/ML, but where is the “proof in the pudding”? I covered them in a full blog here. They presented for two hours, and I was locked in every moment like watching and intense action movie. Very impressed, big expectations.’

Read the entire blog at:

Hello Augtera, Goodbye SYSLOG Problems

Networking Field Day 28 delegate Jeremy Schulman reviews the Augtera Networks presentation, with a focus on Real-Time Syslog feature.

‘I can finally start to see the real application of all the hype around ML.  Their CEO said many times today “The proof is in the pudding”.  The expression is an alteration of an older saying that makes the meaning a bit clearer: the proof of the pudding is in the eating.  Really looking forward to “tucking in” with Augtera network.’

Read the entire review at:

NLP for Logs: A New Era in Anomaly Detection


Natural language processing (NLP) for logs enables operations teams to become aware of new/rare messages as soon as they occur.

Augtera Networks is differentiated from other vendors implementing AI/ML by developing its own high-performance, high-efficiency implementation, not relying on off-the-shelf libraries. The velocity, variety, and volume of operations data continues to grow at a rapid rate. Yet, Enterprises generally have limited IT resources. Off-the-shelf AI/ML does not understand networking constructs, have the necessary performance, or reduce the number of resources needed to get to an outcome. 

When it came to implementing natural language processing (NLP), Augtera took the same approach, spending a year to develop the highest-performing and lowest resource usage algorithms, that is also implemented with high performance software technology. Algorithm design is just as important, if not more so, than the choice of software technology. 

Artificial Intelligence vs Text Matching 

NLP is a broad area of AI, including parts-of-speech tagging, statistical language modeling, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, sentiment analysis, information retrieval, and vocabulary. Augtera’s initial focus is similarity analysis, which will allow operations teams to sleep better, knowing they will be aware of new log messages and patterns, as soon as they occur, instead of finding out weeks later, after numerous failures have occurred. 

Augtera’s similarity analysis detects subtle variations in messages that are more typical of the capabilities humans have, than what is easily achievable and maintainable with technologies like regex. Moreover, from a practical perspective, operations teams cannot set up a regex for a message that has never been seen before. The ability of NLP, and specifically Augtera’s ability to apply human like judgement to similarity, is why this capability is recognized as being part of the artificial intelligence family. 

Example Messages & Results from NLP for Logs

The best way to demonstrate the capability of NLP for Logs is to provide some examples. 

  1. bgp_recv: read from peer aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd [External AS ZZZZ] failed Broken Pipe 
  1. bgp_recv: read from peer aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd [External AS ZZZZ] failed Unknown Error: XXXX 
  1. rt_pfe_veto: Memory usage of M_RTNEXTHOP type = (0) Max Size possible for M_RTNEXTHOP type = (8332584960) Current delayed unref = (4281), Current unique delayed unref = (4000), Max delayed unref on this platform = (4000) 
  1. rts_veto_net_delayed_unref_limit: Memory usage of M_RTNEXTHOP type = (10144064) Max size possible for M_RTNEXTHOP type = (8332146688)  Current delayed unref = (6000) Max delayed unref on this platform = (6000) 
  1. task_addr_local: task MSDP. address Can’t assign requested address 
  1. task_addr_local: task RV. address Invalid argument 

Using Augtera’s similarity analysis, from the above: 

  • Messages 1 and 2 would be considered similar 
  • Messages 3 and 4 would be considered similar 
  • Messages 5 and 6 would be considered NOT similar 

In the case of messages 5 and 6, the protocols (MDP & RV) are very different as is the textual explanation of the error: can’t assign requested address vs invalid argument. In the case of messages 3 and 4, they are both referring to, likely related, memory usage. Messages 1 and 2 are clearly similar. 

Remember, this is not a rules-based approach to understanding similarity, it is based on algorithms and machine learning.  

Zero Day Analysis from NLP for Logs

Augtera’s NLP for log analysis will allow network operations teams to observe AI-detected new messages as soon as they occur, which is why we are calling the capability Zero Day Anomalies. The first time a new message occurs, network operations teams will know about it, they can do root cause analysis, and then they can decide if they want to create a classifier that generates a trouble ticket on future appearances of the message. With the Augtera platform, classifiers can be created and activated in a matter of minutes. Some DIY solutions can take months as a software engineering resource has to be scheduled. In addition, operations teams can do rate-based anomaly detection on new anomalies, when rates of a message deviate from normal. 

Real-Time Log Analysis

NLP for logs is a new capability that augments the already robust real-time log analysis capability provided by the Augtera platform. Other Real-Time capabilities include:

  • Real-time classifiers with customer selectable actions
  • Rate change anomaly detection which detects when the rate of a specific log message changes

Read more about the full Real-Time Log Analysis solution.


What Augtera has realized is not an AI POC, achieved with unlimited resources. Network operations teams often have significant limitations on how many compute/memory resources they can apply to a platform. Augtera’s implementation is scalable to hundreds of millions of messages per hour without loss, with a low CPU/memory footprint. This was the value of creating our own high-performance / high-efficiency implementation.  

Augtera’s high-performance, high-efficiency zero-day capability is an industry-first for network operations teams. It is a new era in using real-time NLP for log analysis, with more innovation to come. 

Related Links

Futuriom Profile of Augtera Networks

Research and analysis community Futuriom publishes Augtera Networks profile.

‘Augtera’s core focus is using AI/ML to improve network operations. Last week at the ONUG conference in New Jersey, Augtera announced a new natural language processing (NLP) feature to detect zero-day anomalies by analyzing syslog files.’

Read the full review at: